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{{nbItemToCart()===undefined?'Cart':'Cart'+' ('+nbItemToCart()+')'}}

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Price Breakdown:

  • {{line.description}} - {{'en_CA' |}}
  • Convenience Fee - {{'en_CA' | convertCurrency:item.stripeFee}}

Billed: {{'en_CA' | convertCurrency:item.perCycle}}, {{item.billed}}

Start Date: {{item.start}}

End Date: {{item.end}}

Materials In Dumpster: {{item.materials}}

Other: {{item.other}}

Special Instruction: {{item.special}}

Location Of The Dumspter: View Image

Configure Your Order
Delete Edit Edit
Item(s) {{nbItemToCart()===undefined?0:nbItemToCart()}}
Subtotal {{'en_CA' | convertCurrency:subTotalItemToCart()}}
Taxes & Fees {{'en_CA' | convertCurrency:taxItemToCart()}}
Total {{'en_CA' | convertCurrency:totalItemToCart()}}

Billing Address

Same as delivery address
This field is required
This field is required
{{::value}} Other
This field is required
This field is required
Enter a valid zip code
This field is required


{{ diplayAlertMissingDelivery?'Some information is missing or incorrect':'All information is valid' }} {{ diplayAlertMissingDelivery?'Missing Information':'All information is valid' }}
This field is required
This field is required
This field is required
{{::value}} Other
This field is required
This field is required
Enter a valid zip code
This field is required


{{ctrl.streetNumber}} {{ctrl.route}}

{{}}, {{ctrl.state}} {{}}





Additional Options

Do you already have a container? Are you a tenant?




Price Breakdown:

  • {{line.description}} - {{'en_CA' |}}
  • Convenience Fee - {{'en_CA' | convertCurrency:item.stripeFee}}

Billed: {{'en_CA' | convertCurrency:item.perCycle}}, {{item.billed}}

Start Date: {{item.start}}

End Date: {{item.end}}

Materials In Dumpster: {{item.materials}}

Other: {{item.other}}

Special Instruction: {{item.special}}

Location Of The Dumspter: View Image

Delete Item To Cart Edit Item To Cart Edit Item To Cart
Item(s) {{nbItemToCart()===undefined?0:nbItemToCart()}}
Subtotal {{'en_CA' | convertCurrency:subTotalItemToCart()}}
Taxes & Fees {{'en_CA' | convertCurrency:taxItemToCart()}}
Total {{'en_CA' | convertCurrency:totalItemToCart()}}

Apply Promo Code

Enter a valid promo code
Code must be at least 3 characters
Code must not exceed 20 characters

The code might be expired or not applicable to your order!

{{ctrl.code}} will be applied after your order is placed and processed in our system!

Card Information

I agree to the terms and conditions. terms and conditions.
This field is required to be checked.

Please wait, we are processing your order.

El Paso Disposal Store

El Paso Disposal Sideload

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Only numbers or letters are allowed.
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El Paso Disposal Store

El Paso Disposal Sideload
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